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Nickname: Fritz

Birthday: June 11, 1991

Place of residence: Pfaffenberg


What makes you happy:

The outstanding atmosphere in the team after a successful appearance.

When you look into the smiling faces of your friends afterward and everyone knows that the hard training has paid off and that we are doing something great together have accomplished.


What makes you angry:

When certain elements just don't want to work.

When someone calls us a dance group or cheerleaders


What was the biggest freak moment for you:

The New Year Parade in Hong Kong.

It's really an experience to be cheered by over a hundred thousand people.

How was it for you when you were accepted into THE FREAKS:

I honestly thought I was in the wrong movie. From Daniel, I knew about the try-outs and that new team members were wanted.

But when I got there I saw about 30 ten-year-old girls with their parents signing up. And now I was 27 years old, 1.85m tall and 105kg heavy. Fortunately, Jonas and Michael also applied so that I was not quite out of place. But from that point, it was just fun!


What is your favorite thing to do when you're not with THE FREAKS:

Weight lifting, playing board games with my friends, motorcycling.


Your favorite quote:

"... don't worry, be heavy!" -Universal transport

How about a person who is the opposite of you:

An endurance, sports loving regulatory fanatic who cannot enjoy the little things in life.


What do you want to achieve with THE FREAKS in the next few years:

A gig in America would be pretty cool. But otherwise, I just want to have a good time with the team.


Name 3 words that come to your mind at THE FREAKS:

Fun - top acrobatics - adventure

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