Nickname: Daniel
Date of birth: 06. April 1996
Residence: Oberndorf / Schwanenstadt
What makes you happy:
It’s a pleasure, waking up every day and looking back on so many awesome experiences that I made and moments I lived through. Without being afraid, that I didn’t take any chance, my life gave me.
It makes me happy always pushing me to the limits, taking care of all the great moments in life and not thinking about the bad ones or transforming them into great ones.
What makes you angry:
Time is a scarce resource and a day only counts 24 hours so I hate it if time gets wasted.
What was your best Freaks-moment:
I won’t forget the first few seconds when we hit the stage at the “A Touch of Gold” Gala in Amsterdam 2018 with over 15.000 people watching us. It was a moment full of strain, from the beginning of the music to the point we rose from our lying position and focused on our choreography. A moment full of thoughts which parts can go wrong or if everybody knows his steps and reaches his position in time.
A Moment that was worth living it because of the overwhelming standing-ovations of the audience at the end of our show.

How was it for you when you were accepted into THE FREAKS:
I had a few years of experience in cheerleading before but I always haven’t been a friend of the dancing and cheering part in that kind of sport.
As I lost my Training possibility in Vienna, I noticed an Instagram post of the Team who were searching for reinforcement. As a long time fan of the group I sent an E-Mail to our Headcoach O.C. with the message “reinforcement is coming” and immediately got invited to a tryout.
Although I nearly killed my self during a stunt on the trampoline, they immediately took me on the team and made me feel like I’m a long-time member of it.
I never regret taking these steps and I’m happy to be part of this Team.
What do you do when you are not with THE FREAKS:
For me it‘s always important having a good community for sharing all my activities, so life is never getting boring.
During winter season most of the time I’m skiing in the mountains – freeriding, racing or even as a skiing instructor.
During summer season I use all the possibilities my beautiful home region “the Salzkammergut” provides, like swimming, cycling, hiking, cliff diving and so on.
Your favorite quote:
“too fast for death” – Daniel Gassner
How about a person who is the opposite of you:
It would be a person unwilling to take a risk, unwilling to try something new and always being afraid of everything. A Person who lives in his own world doesn’t like to take the first steps and doesn’t want to get to know new people. A person who always sees the negative aspects of life and is unwilling to make things better.
What do you want to achieve with THE FREAKS in the next few years:
I think we didn’t reach the limits of possibility yet and will improve our stunts and shows in the next few years to make them more spectacular and breathtaking.
In addition, I love traveling with the team and always enjoy the time while sightseeing or having fun outside of our shows. So hopefully we will get to know a lot of places all over the world together. A few shows in America will also be a big dream.
Name 3 words you can think of THE FREAKS:
Teamwork – Extraordinariness - Success